崎岖山脉上的皑皑白雪可谓是大自然最美丽的杰作之一Fresh snow on rugged mountain terrain is one of nature's most beautiful creations.
但在短短的几秒内 这一切将会化作一场噩梦But in a second, it can turn deadly.
当有人因雪崩而被掩埋时 时间就是生命 When someone is buried under the snow at an avalanche, you know, time is of the essence.
几分钟内 遇险者就会被埋身亡Within just minutes, you are gonna die of fixation.
每年冒险爱好者在滑雪 滑单板或驾驶雪地摩托时Every year, adventure lovers ski, snowboard and snowmobile
因偏离既定路线而不慎触发雪崩 身陷险境into danger off established trails and unwillingly trigger massive avalanches.
如果你遭遇雪崩便会无路可逃There is no way out running, there is no way to get out of this way.
仅在上季度 在美国就有30人死于雪崩Last season alone, avalanches killed more than 30 people in the US,
他们被成吨的积雪掩埋 而雪崩推进的速度可超过100英里每小时buried beneath tons of snow and can travel at a speed up to 100miles per hour.
不辛的是 哪怕你只是被埋在1至2英尺深的雪下It doesn't matter if you burry just 1 or 2 feet under the snow,
你也会以同种方式死去unfortunately you are gonna die the same death.
所以发生雪崩时 伙伴是令你获救的最大希望That's why your best chance of recovery comes from your partner
他能够找到你并帮助你脱困to find you and dig you out.
我来到丝湖市郊的冰山I have come to Snow Berg just outside Silk Lake City
接受当地救援小组的训练to train with Wasset back country rescue.
他们将向我演示如何求生以及救出团队里的伙伴They are gonna show me how to survive or save someone in my group.
我们是否会被雪崩困住呢Should we ever get caught in an avalanche?
如果你即将参与救援活动You are going to the back cut,
对你而言最为重要的装备是什么what is absolutely essential that you have on you?
当然是救援装备It's the rescue gear that we want to have
这些是我们需要的并且是能够上手的and make sure that we know how to use.
你需要雪崩信号收发器 探测杆和铲子You are gonna need an avalanche transiver, you want to have a probe and then the shovel.
今天 我们要做的第一件事是在雪中挖一个洞Today, the first thing we did was we dug a snow cave.
我们让艾米丽置身于洞里并将洞买埋上以模拟真实的雪崩受困场景We put Emily in the snow cave and buried her under the snow to simulate an avalanche victim.
随后 我的工作是找到她并尽快使她从雪中脱困And then, my job was to find her and dig her out as quickly as possible.
第二件事我们需要吉姆做的事是使用雪崩信号收发器The second thing that we did with Jim was, brought on the transivers.
他需要将收发器由传输模式调为搜寻模式He turned the beacon from transmit mode to search mode.
我34米开外搜到一个信号 收发器显示信号来源在我们正前方I have got a signal, it's about 34 meters away, says go up.