#字幕版 SIGNAL ETT- 滑板单板合一挑战巨型道具Mega Ramp
我就要亲眼见证滑板一部分奇迹的诞生了Part of the magic of this board is happening right behind me.
制作过程是保密的It's kind of secret process.
你可以看到面板尾部顶端有绚丽的色彩 You can see they got a lot of really great color on the tip of the tail.
不会掉色 而且看起来上档次And they don’t explode or cheap.
有一些制作过程是他们专属的There are a few things they do are unique to their build process
所以没法向你们展现that we won’t be able to show.
但我们还是把尽可能多的东西展现出来But we will get as much as we can.
手工制成的棉花纤维Cotton fiber hand- made,
其中用到了很多科技方面的知识a lot of technology right there.
现在只有一个制作方案There is only being one big option out there.
但实际应用的板面有七个Here are seven applies maple.
希望你喜欢我们板面的弹性Hope you like our way of flexes
当然我们也能提供定制服务so that we can customize all that.
还会展示怎样制作滑板板尾和把滑雪板组合起来and the way to make their tip tails for the skateboard that can be put together in the snowboard.
你每天都能在滑板板底上看到这些贴纸You will see that everyday, truck bound on a snowboard basis.
制作滑板有很多工程技术和想法是我们未曾想到的There is a lot of engineering and ideas going into this board and things that we have't thought of.
所以我们学到了很多新东西So we are learning something new.
这就是意义所在That's what it is all about.
我们把文字镶嵌到滑板中了We got inserts.
天啊 贴合度太好了Oh, my god, so stick.
标志弹力不错 且很柔软We had floppy and soft flags.
你可以在Mega Ramp上玩滑板或纵身飞翔For this you could try to jump out of the mega ramp or there or just flies out.
这就是我们今天展示的产品-超轻滑板和lithe风格SIGNAL滑雪板Here is our right production today on the light skateboard and the lithe-style signal snowboard here.
它们看起来太棒了 我们要去MEGA RAMP 试试了They look amazing and we are off for mega ramp.
这是Copper滑雪场一个美丽的早晨It's a beautiful morning in Copper.
这是Jake Aaronson We got Jake Aaronson.
车里有你的滑雪板We have snowboard in the car that you goanna ride.
这个滑雪板是由滑板改装而成的We have the skateboard-built snowboard.
你们在上面绑了带子You have tape on it.